Home — Subcontractors — Prequalification Application 2025
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R. H. White's insurance requirements may be viewed at Certificate of Liability insurance sample.
The following are insurance requirements which are MANDATORY for all subcontractors.
In Description of Operations section of certificate, insert the following required wording:
For Prequalification Purposes - R.H. White Construction Co., Inc. and any person or entity or organization required to be named an additional insured by reason of any contract or agreement with R.H. White Construction Co., Inc. shall be and is deemed a primary additional insured on a non-contributory basis under all commercial general liability, automobile liability and commercial umbrella liability policies of Subcontractor. Additional Insured endorsements required are CG 20 10 11 85 or CG 2010 (10/93) and CG 20 37 or CG 2033 and CG 2037 or an endorsement providing equivalent coverage to the additional insureds. Each policy will be endorsed to provide 30 days' notice of cancellation to RH White Construction Co., Inc. Waiver of Subrogation applies to all policies.
(Notes: Data should be the best available data applicable to the work in this region or area. If your company is not required to maintain OSHA 300 forms, please provide information from your Worker’s Compensation Insurance carrier itemizing all claims for the last three years).
If > $100,000 but < $250,000, please provide a balance sheet. (Internally prepared is acceptable) If > $250,000 but < $1 million, please provide a financial statement from an outside accounting firm. If > $1 million, please provide an audited financial statement from an outside accounting firm.