Town of Northampton, MA

Northampton, MA

Town of Northampton, MA
Northampton, MA
Wastewater Treatment Facility
Mechanical Construction
Not Available
Design Engineer:
Woodard and Curran
Construction Manager:
Not Available
Contract Value:
Not Available
Project Overview:
  • Equipment replacement and other improvements at the City of Northampton’s Wastewater Treatment Plant.
  • Replace primary and secondary clarifier mechanisms, sludge dewatering equipment and conveyors, polymer system and pumps as well as
    piping throughout the sludge processing building.
  • Relocate sludge feed pump and install new grinder and process piping in the Gravity Thickener Building.
  • Sludge Processing Building: replace roof, replace/upgrade HVAC system, upgrade lighting and fire alarm systems, upgrade locker room and rest room.
  • Replace plant water yard piping and hydrants as well as odor control chemical storage and pumps.
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